From the beginning Me-Too was our puppy. She was born 2001 at Jean and Rinus in Kennel Wobbling Sound in Holland under the kennel name Take Me-Too Of Wobbling Sound.
But she only stayed with us for a short while. Few months earlier we got the puppy Misty from England, so we agreed with Jean and Rinus to let Me-Too live with Søs and Poul, who also had Smilla from our breed. We also made the agreement with Søs that if anything should happened, we should take Me-Too back.
Søs died in 2003 and a couple of weeks before her death we took Me-Too back.
Me-Too had a wonderful life with lots of activities, and she really enjoyed being together with Tobias.
Unfortunately Tobias suddenly died from a stomach disease, and Lone and Poul-Erik really wanted to have a puppy from us. They got one last year, when Louis from our O-litter joined Me-Too in their home.
Old and unsteady Me-Too did extremely well together with the youngster. They really had a great time together, and Louis soon learned to respect the old lady.
Dyrvig loved Me-Too very much, and we know that they go through some hard times right now. Me-Too has had a wonderful life, and as you can read here she has also been a huge part of our life and given us many great hours together with nice people and dogs.
That's we it hurts really much, when she is no linger here.