Me-Too is not here anymore. Friday we got the sad message from Lone and Poul-Erik, who had taken the tough decision to let Me-Too have peace.
During the last time Me-Too had been more and more insecure and diffuse. Last week she was not able to get up by herself. She felt really bad and the vet couldn't see any future for her. Me-Too got 10 years old.

From the beginning Me-Too was our puppy. She was born 2001 at Jean and Rinus in Kennel Wobbling Sound in Holland under the kennel name Take Me-Too Of Wobbling Sound.
But she only stayed with us for a short while. Few months earlier we got the puppy Misty from England, so we agreed with Jean and Rinus to let Me-Too live with Søs and Poul, who also had Smilla from our breed. We also made the agreement with Søs that if anything should happened, we should take Me-Too back.

Søs died in 2003 and a couple of weeks before her death we took Me-Too back.

But Me-Too needed more quietness that we could offer in our pack. So we agreed with Lone and Poul-Erik in Fredericia, that they should have Me-Too. 16th of November 2003 Me-Too moved in to their house and together with Tobias from our breed – he was five years at that time.

Me-Too had a wonderful life with lots of activities, and she really enjoyed being together with Tobias.
Unfortunately Tobias suddenly died from a stomach disease, and Lone and Poul-Erik really wanted to have a puppy from us. They got one last year, when Louis from our O-litter joined Me-Too in their home.
Old and unsteady Me-Too did extremely well together with the youngster. They really had a great time together, and Louis soon learned to respect the old lady.

Dyrvig loved Me-Too very much, and we know that they go through some hard times right now. Me-Too has had a wonderful life, and as you can read here she has also been a huge part of our life and given us many great hours together with nice people and dogs.
That's we it hurts really much, when she is no linger here.

Kennel Blue Berry mainsite
See many more pictures and read many more stories of Me-Too in our homepage. Start here