Pam having lunch at the Trapp Residence.
The colors of Vermont.
After the show, Herdis went home to Diane’s place in Ohio, and I took the train to Pam Dever in Vermont.
I spent four wonderful days with Pam. We had lunch at the Family Trapp Residence in the hills and bought Cheddar cheese on the Shellburn Farm by the lake. We had great times with Pam’s friends and prepared the arrival of Pam’s new OES-puppy, that we drove to Boston to bring home, the day before I went back.
Pam lost her 15-year-old OES Ivy some weeks ago, so it was great for her to be able to get a new puppy from the same kennel as Ivy.
Pam’s new puppy is named Eefa.
On my departure day Pam and Eefa follow me to the airport in Burlington, and I headed for Copenhagen with a short stopover in New York.
It was an amazing and eventful trip, but it was great to be back home again!
In Rochester we met old friends and got new OES friends.
Thanks to Herdis for great travellers company one more time, and to Johnny, Bendte and Dortemarie for their kindness in Rochester and fine company. Thank you Pam for wonderful days in Vermont!
Thanks, Johnny, for the two show photos!
Pam in a store where they sell Cheddar chesse.
Pigs on the Shellburn Farm – living like pigs should.
Birte says goodbye to Eefa before the trip back to Denmark.
Eefa and Pam followed Birte to the airport.
Eefa playing with her mother.
The puppies on the kennel in Boston.