We had the pleasure of looking after Silas during the days of newyear. Tina had to work in a nightshift, and it was no good idea to let Silas stay alone in the appartement in Copenhagen.
Even though he doesn't react to fireworks or shooting, it was too big a risk to run.
After all there is a lot of heavy fireworks in Copenhagen - opposite to out here in the country.
Silas was very happy to meet our pack again. In the beginning he acted a bit silly and Magnus told him right away and in a manner of sense who is the pack-leader here!
Magnus bussed and placed his paw on Silas' back. After that Silas loved Magnus very much - whau, a real pack-leader!
We enjoyed having Silas here and he felt comfortable among our dogs.
Silas lovede Magnus (t.v.) more and more and all the time he had to sniff at him - just to check him out. Since the last time we saw Silas he had grown a big boy - close to a real handsome male.
Silas enjoyed walking around in the garden on the first sunny and frozen day of the new year.

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