The sun is shining on Misty's birthday. Of Course!
For 11 years, Misty has brought the sun into our life. From back when she was a little puppy that Birte flew home from Sue and Roger in England, till today when she has become mother to many wonderful, grown up puppies and grandmother to many more.
Misty has always been the quiet and correct dog. We never needed to have her in a lead, for she simply followed us in her own, moderate speed.
She has always been sweet and lovable. A super mother, who loves her grown up puppies. But also a definite grandmother, wanting to teach those of her grandchildren, whom she feels are not proper brought up, a fair lesson.
Misty has made the years very well. Lately she has been through an operation to remove a lump in her foreleg. Therefor her strength in the forelegs is not as good as it used to be, but she is still doing great.
She still joins us on all walks. The daily walks as well as on holidays.
Misty celebrates her birthday with an extra nice walk by the sea in the beautiful, sunny weather and some special goodies together with her two kids Maise and Alonso. Afterwards it's time for a nap. She is a retired lady!

Pictures from Misty's 10 years birthday
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