Monday evening October the 31st, we had to say goodbye to our wonderful Maise forever. She has long been suffering from arthritis and impaired hearing.
But when she began to get restless and was not able to rest.
When she pebbed and lay barking without purpose.
When we could not get her attention and make her come to rest.
Then we knew we had to call Lotte our veterinarian. Lotte came home to our house , and estimated that Maise could have had a small brain bleed. We were thus quite sure in our case: Maise should no longer suffer.
Maise slept quietly. In her own and safe home and around us. No drama.
Maise was born here in the house and has always been a lively dog ​​with great personality and lots of joy in life. Rather early she was with us on a long road trip to France. She did very well. It was also in France that she, as little, first jumped into the water and had her first swim in Lac St. Croix.
She participated in all our holidays to Skagen, and it was clear that she loved running in the water and in the dunes.
Maise was a fantastic mother for her puppies. She was certain, but very loving. And all the puppies had respect for their mother, right up to the last.
She had control of her pack. Also when we went for walks on Baunesletten, where she was with a couple of her puppies. She loved those moments, and made sure that no stranger mixed up in the pack.
Right to the end, it was a pleasure to see her joy when she met the pack or when we went on holiday in Ålbæk with us. Then she became a puppy again, even though she had to prove that the legs did not really want what the brain and the heart wanted.
On her last day Maise had a walk on the beach with Alonso, Snowy and Tiffany, and she also managed to get her last cheese bite at the table in our home.
It was hard to make the decision and say goodbye to our Masie.
We miss her very much, but also know that our decision was right.
Maise got nearly 13 years old.
Maise was extremely happy, when she had puppies. Tis is her N-litter in 2009.
Maise joined us on holidays in North Jutland to the very end. She couldn't walk for many hours, but she was so happy being there.
Maise 11 years old having a bathing time on the beach in Aalbæk.
Maise on Thurø, hearding sheep. And did she like it!
Running ind the dunes in North Jutland was her favorite.
Maise with her mother, Misty. On the first trip to Provence.
She was one of a kind from the first day. Here she is in a hotel-window in France!



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