The annual Christmas-show in the danish OES-club took place in Køge last weekend. The showground was beautifully decorated with Christmas-tree, Christmas-music and goodies for everyone. 36 OES’s were entered and even though not everybody showed up, there were many, nicely groomed dogs in the show. We entered Maise, who was not in full coat since she had played with the puppies from the L-litter for several weeks. Furthermore she didn’t feel like being showed, so Lene (the handler) had a hard job. Maise got a plane 1. price and a fine critique. We know now, that show-practice is a must!
In the break between classes Sessa with Dusty and Henriette with Rosa did dogdancing to Christmas-music. Being the breeder of Dusty Blue Berry’s Harvest Moon from our H-litter) it was wonderful to see, how the big, nearly 10 years old OES enjoyed to perform. They did a really nice show – by the way it was Dusty’s last one, Sessa said.
We finished the day with Christmas-buffet, speeches, giving out trophies and package-lottery.
This was Lisa’s last show as “showmaster”. Really sad, but thank you so much for your enormous engagement through all the years.

Finally a big thanks to the familyAgerup from Norway, who have taken these pictures.
Lucky, Maise and Foxy - three halfsisters with the same father: CH Dreamdancer's Ballantines.
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