Since all the tests were fine, we could call the family Falch on Ærø and tell them, they were free to come and take Lunte home.
They came saturday and brought Victor (from the I-litter). A splendid idea, because Victor could meet his new littlebrother and go home with Lunte in the car and the boat.
We were happy to see how nicely and patient Victor accepted Lunte, even though the puppies snapped his ears, climed on him and wanted to play.
Beate came to see us and the puppies the same day, bringing Tumle (I-litter). Also Tumle was nice to the puppies - much to our pleasure.
Before Lunte drowe to his new home, we had taken a photo of the small J-litter - Anton and Lunte - together with mother Misty and father Magnus.
Later that day we talked to the Falch familiy. The trip home went well. Lunte slept in the car and on the ferry. Now he was being showed around in his new home by Victor.
Back in our home it was a quiet night. Both we humans and the dogs were marked by the leaving of Lunte. Anton is supposed to stay with us one more week, before his family takes him home as well. He'll have to learn to play more alone and with mother Misty, who does all she can to cheer him up.
We wish the Falch family all the luck in the world with Lunte. Knowing that Lunte is in one of the best dog-homes available.
Bodil, Christina, Ejner and Rasmus with Victor and Lunte.
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