Mental test
Our N-litter is 2 years old, but just before that Luffe and Simba managed to join the young dog mental-test. The test got a bit extreme, because it was a storm with thunder and lightning. But despite the weather, they did very well compared to the reference profile of the OES.
The physical test will be followed by and evening, where we talk about the reference profile and compare it to what we saw I the field.
The group of sheep is moved in to the small pen.
The dogs starting to say hello.
Anne with a herding stick guiding us all.
The sheep on the way to the pen.
The dogs are tense, while the group of sheep is passing.
Tessa herding.
Hunter in balance
Balou also showed interest in the sheep.
Isak was not very impressed....!
Alonso "chased" the sheep but he had respect to Anne's stick
Alson was also able to walk calm.
Yes! - the sheep is finally driven into the pen.
Rosa and Alma had tried herding before.
Time for lunch.
Luffe and Ludvig with families.
Balou, Ludvig, Luffe, Rosa, Alonso, Simba, Hunter, Isak, Tessa and Alma.
Amalie and Ludvig.
Per and Simba herding..
Simba was handled by Jørgen.
Simba liked the ghosts and was not afraid.
Luffe for a walk with a stranger - Torben walking with him.
Luffe and Susanne. Luffe did take much notice of the "scary" person suddenly appearing.
Our life with dogs is not only puppies!
During the last couple of months we have found time to join the young dog mental-test and some herding. We couldn't go both of us. One stayed at home and looked after the pups, while the other one went out.
Sunday the 4th of September the Danish OES Club invited to a herding day at Anne Egede in Jægerspris.
10 OES' came, Simba only the last hour.
We started with a cup of coffee, while Anne told us, what was going to happen during the day.
First the dogs said hello to each other, then they should "stay", while Anne led a big group of sheep to the lower pen. It nearly went too well – only two sheep slipped pass, where Alonso stood.
Then it was time for the humans to act sheep and herd for a small group of only three sheep. Very physically demanding!
Now it was time for the dogs to meet the sheep. In the field as well as in a small round pen. After lunch we were sent into a large pen with a big group of sheep. We went three by three with dogs in lead, for the sake of the sheep.
By helping each other we should get the sheep into a small close. It was amazing to see how the sheep reacted to the dogs, and to see how you peacefully could guide the sheep into the close using only the dogs.
It was a wonderful day with lots of challenges for both dogs and humans.
The only nine-month-old Hunter was very impressing. He showed natural talents for herding, and showed how to make balance with a group of sheep in a round pen. Also Balou did very well balancing the sheep.
Alonso and Birte ended the day by helping Anne and her helper Birgit to catch two sheep that had run loose.
It was a very tired Alonso – and Birte – that returned home to our own group.
Thanks to Anne and Birgit for an instructive and perfect day.
If anybody wants to try some more or want to try for the first time, contact Anne on mail:
Thanks to Uffe for many of the photos.