The danish OES-club arranged a walk in the woods 18th of March. The dogs could run freely. Besides the three managers of the walk, the Nordby family from Roskilde were the only one participating. But all forur families and seven OES' had a wonderfull walk in the woods ending with coffee and cake.
The three youngsters, Maise, Conrad and Whiskey, enjoyed fooling around, and they learned how to behave in the group.
The two old dogs, Moonie and Goofie, slowly walked along. Misty was buissy taking care of the three young dogs as well as Iris, whom she knows from years ago, when Iris was a puppy in ur house from our I-litter with Moonie as mother.
During our walk we met a 12 1/2 years old OES male. He was sitting with his family enjoying the sun. We experienced that the family was living in Hollland and now on vacation in Denmark.