Malene very concentrated. Gyrithe and Rumle getting over.
Misty doing a jump. Dusty - not much room here!
We went to the last agilitycourse and enjoyed being surrounded by Iris (I-litter), Dusty (H-litter), Smilla (G-litter) and Me-Too. One of the great pleasures being a breeder is getting to meet the 'puppies' and feel their joy of getting together with you again.
Eight OES' and just as many other breeds went to the final test. It was an agilitytrack with 18 obstacles. The hard but fair judge was Hans Ove Petersen.
Sessa with Dusty was - as one might expect - number one on the track, and Sessa was handed the Agility-trophy, which Dusty's grandfather Paddy was the first to gain, many years ago.
Number 2 was Gyrithe with Rumle. Gyrithe has made these agilitycourses year in and year out, to the great pleasure of dogs and humans. Thank you very much, Gyrithe, for a great job!
Nr. 3 was Michael with Iris. Iris is both clever in obediencetraining - recently she made 165 points of 180 possible in Class 1 - she is also clever doing agility.
After the race Martin trained Iris to walk slalom.
Misty and Birte ended up as number 9. But as Birte pointed out after the race: It's about having fun, not winning!
Congratulations to Sessa and Dusty as well as Michael and Iris from us - the proud breeders!
Søs was there too and brought Smilla and Me-Too. Left to right is Dusty, Me-Too, Smilla and Misty. Next to Søs it is Erwin.
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