It's a tradition that we meet once a year in Hareskoven (forest) near Copenhagen to have a good time together and - not the least: For our dogs to have fun.
Old OES-folks and new puppy-owners join for a walk in the woods, for barbeque, for a chat and for a nice time afterwards.
The dogs are having a wonderful time, especially because this part of the woods is decided for the dogs to run free with no lead.

Quite a lot of puppies came along this time, and they really enjoyed the night. While the humans had their barbeque, the puppies ran around the fire and the tables for full speed. But also the two-legged had a very nice evening.

We must invite many more to join us next year. It may not be a night with a 'serious and professional' content.
But it is one of the best ways for members of the club and for the OES's to meet and get to know eachother.
And this sort of informal gathering is of great importance for the future.
Even in an OES club.
The two-legged have a toast around the fire. Grown ups and puppies were very nice together.
Anything better than a puppy roll-over...
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