Sidse has gradually found a good fit with us. Tiffany is her role model and teaches Sidse to behave, but she also wants to play. It takes some time to figure it out for Sidse, what is serious and what is fun.
Snowy has been through a tooth sculpture operation. It has gone well, and she has become much happier. So, she doesn't react so dismissively to Sidse as at first - where Snowy probably had pain from the tooth.
All three dogs are involved in our daily activities. As often as possible, we take them for a walk in the woods. Hareskoven or in Slagslunde. Sidse has proven pretty good at learning from the adults. She sniffs in the same places and is good at walking tracks - meaning, she knows exactly which way we went into the forest. So, we must also follow the same path on the way home from the forest to the parked car.
The other day we took her alone to the 'playroom' at Lone and Per’s place. They have Sissi, Sidse’s litter sister. Here also came Susanne and Sofie with litter brother Wilbur. It was a wonderful reunion between the three siblings. The girls were fierce and did some heavy fights. Afterwards, they were just dear friends.
Some of the herb pots were also dug up and a few water bowls were toppled. So, they don't look quite as pretty in the pictures here.
Time for an hour on tyhe back - nice after all this exercise!
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