The first two weeks have gone successfully. Toddi has proved to be a clever and calm mother for her seven pups, and Lis and Lars Bo have given them peace and regularity, so everything works perfect.
The puppies have opened their eyes. They don't focus precisely, but they seem to be able to dimply see light and darkness and objects moving. Furthermore they are all up on their feet, and generally there is much more life in the box now.
Saturday we opened for visitors for the first time. The Johansen family from Odense came at noon, and afternoon Katty and Mai from Jutland came with our friend Herdis.
Toddi managed the visits really fine. Everybody was aloud to sit next to the puppies and caress the small ones. Toddi didn't even mind feeding her pups in front of the audience.
But it was a tired Toddi and tired puppies, that slept well in the night. So even Lis – who normally guards the litter in the puppy-room – managed to get herself some sleep.
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For the first time the doors to the puppy box got opened for the coming families. This is family Johansen from Odense.
Later on Katty and Mai from Jutland came together with our friend Herdis to look a the puppies.