The OES-Club Christmas-show was south of Copenhagen in Køge.
Four of the pups from the K-litter - Sigurd, Kevin, Gizmo and Maise entered puppy class, and Lunte from the J-litter was in youth class.
Conrad and Lucas (K-litter) came along with their families to watch their brothers and sisters in the ring.
Lis (mother to I-litter Fnuggi), Sessa (mother to H-litter Dusty), Herdis and swedish Monika came to watch and to help getting ready for the show. Thank you all for supporting!
Also Winnie's H-litter was strongly represented at the show. Lucky from Norway, Foxy from Sweden and Whisky from Denmark entered the show in youth class, while Frodo did juniorhandling. Baloo was there as well, and also mother of the five H-pups, Alpha, came with her new owners.
It was a lovely reunion between Foxy and Alpha, the two dogs from Winnie that we helped get new homes after Winnie passed away resently.
Unfortunately Gizmo didn't show up, and in the ring Kevin made it as best puppy.
Lunte was best youth male with a 'very promissing', and Whisky had a nice 1th price and was then number two. In youth class bitches Foxy was best, and Lucky was number two - both with 'very promissing'.
Winnie would have enjoyed watching how well her pupiess did in the show.
In juniorhandling the three half-brothers and sisters with their young handlers had their debuts.
Alberte with Frida was first, then Oliver with Sigurd and Desiree with Frodo. The young handlers did nice runs with the dogs but agreed, that making a dog stand nicely is not that easy - even though they had done a lot of practice in advance.
After the show we all had lunch together, did a lottery and had tropies given out.
Working on the ring-side.
Karina in the ring with Sigurd.
Oliver juniorhandling Sigurd.
Jeannie and Kevin - he was best puppy.
Sigurd from our K-litter.
Our own Maise from the K-litter handled by Birte.
Foxy and Lucy - two pupppies from Alpha.
Bodil with Lunte and Tina with Whisky.
Frida, Sigurd and Frodo after the juniorhandling.
Five puppies out of nine from our K-litter came to join the show or simply to watch.
Alpha (in front) was on the show with new owners Neail and Michael. It was a nice reunion with five of her puppies from her last litter.
Winnie's Memorial Trophy was given out for the first time. It was Dortemarie and Torben who won it with their own breed, the bitch Sound Solution Fast Frida. She was best danish breed OES aging 9-24 months. So she won the trophy. She was also the best of breed on the show; she was a super winner.
Between shows we had time to do some photos of the two litters present at the show: The K-litter from our own Misty and the litter from Winnie's H-litter. Pictures are below.
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