In January we receiwed a beautiful postcard from Dyrvig, the family of Tobias and Me-Too in Fredericia, Jutland (left).
Tobias is a puppy from our H-litter, and Me-Too as you might know, a dog who used to belong to Søs and Poul in Gl. Holte. The twwo dogs really feel good together.
They are endeed very firm friends. We got the chance to find out thaat ourselves, as the couple are staying at us at the moment, while the Dyrvig's are on vacation. The pictures belov show Me-Too and Tobias fooling around in our "doggy"-bed.
The picture left shows Meggie in front. She recovered fine after her operation, and is fit to get a grap of her favorite teddy. Behind her is (left) Moonie and then Tobias.
So maybe January was not a month filled with spectacular dog-events . But the daily life with our Old English Sheepdogs also brings joy and fine moments. This was some of them.
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