Last couple of days weather has been amazing. So Saturday we broght the boys out in the open. We cleened our courtyard and surrounded it by a fence. Then Misty and her boys were let out.
At first they thought 'this is dangerous', so they stuck to mother!
They were taken back to their room after some ten minutes.
Later that day we brought them out again. Now they seemed to have gained more courage.
Sunday they had a couple of more times in the garden. They seem to like it now, quickly learning that the noise coming from the road is not to be afraid of.
Misty was a bit insecure of the situation. At the moment she is most comfortable with her boys beeing safely in their room.
Meggie and Moonie have been with Birte on an OES-weekend. So only Magnus was left home with us. But he was not permitted to approach the fence while the puppies were out there. It will take some time teaching Misty not to be afraid of the other dogs in the house.
Normally Misty is low in the pack-hieracy, so for her it is a matter of beeing very carefull that the other dogs don't harm her two little boys.
Leadership-trainig has started as well.
Yesterday Misty brought a doggy-bone with her into the puppy-field. When one of the guys approached her, she growled at them. They reacted immediately. But also wanted to see, how fare they could go. Then Misty made her very loud growl, so they understood that when mother speaks one has to obey!
Then they began diversion; they yawned, layed down beside her or looked as if they intended to sleep.
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